Check any e-commerce store and you’ll mostly see a blog within it. Unlike back in the old days where blogs are separate from e-commerce store or retail websites, most e-commerce stores today have a blog in them regardless of their niche – fashion, toys, supplements, gadgets; you name it!

If your store does not have a blog yet, you may wonder if blogs are really a worthy investment because, unless you’re actually engaged in blogging or writing (which in this case, you’ll probably have a blog rather than an e-commerce store), your store will mostly have nothing to do with blogging.

So, is a blog needed to run a successful e-commerce store? Technically, no – as long as you’re making sales in your e-commerce store, then your store is obviously successful. However, having a blog on your e-commerce store is still a worthy investment – and here are 4 reasons why.

4 Reasons Why You Should Add a Blog on Your E-Commerce Store

1) A blog adds value to your e-commerce store

Having a blog on a side adds value to your e-commerce store because aside from being a store, your e-commerce store also becomes a content website, too.

With a blog, you can educate your customers about your business’ niche, deliver news related to your business, or even create some entertainment around your website.

That being said, now that you have a blog, your customers can go to your website not only to buy your products, but also to learn more about the product they want to buy from you.

A simple example of this is our blog here at Fulfillmen. While our business is on e-commerce fulfillment (which absolutely has nothing to do with blogging), we write blog articles to educate our clients or would-be clients regarding fulfillment operations by writing about tips, how-to guides, etc. Also, we write news on our blog to let our customers know about the present situation regarding fulfillment, warehousing and shipping around the world.

2) It is good for SEO

Since SEO is mainly built from words, so it makes sense to say that blogging adds up to your SEO marketing.

With a blog, you can build your store’s SEO since you’ll have way more opportunities to insert keywords primarily through the articles you write. While you can also insert keywords from sections such as product description, they are very limited compared to if you have a blog!

3) You can build relationships with your customers through blogging

One simple way to communicate with your customers is through blogging. While it’s certainly not the only way (there’s also social media platforms, for example), blogging gives you another avenue to communicate and connect with your customers. For instance, by simply sharing tips and guides to your customers on your blog, you could actually make them trust your brand or even be connected with you.

But really, you can really do a lot with your blog – offer contests, write tips and guides, share news related to your store, etc. You can even put in some personal touch if you want it to – the sky is basically the limit so long as you’re creative!

4) Blogging is a long-term investment

Finally, blogging is worth investing for because it’s a long-term investment for your store. But what do we mean by long-term investment?

The next time you read a blog post or article, consider checking its date. Sometimes, you may find out that the blog you’re reading on is actually written 5 or even 10 years ago – and yet, here you are, still reading it!

The good thing about blogs is that, the articles that you’ve written today can still be relevant even years after it was written. This means that potential customers can stumble on your blog – and eventually, your e-commerce store – by reading one of your blog post that was written years ago!

That being said, your blog articles must be “timeless” to stay relevant through the years. In blogging circles, this is called “evergreen” content.

“Evergreen” content are content that can stand the test of time since they are or could be relevant even if the years passed by. Some examples of “evergreen” content are tips, guides and basic lessons on certain topics. Of course, you can always update those content to suit the present era, but unless they become obsolete, they’ll stay relevant even after the blog post is written 2-5 years ago.