1. How to check the conversion rate data?
Once logged into Seller Central, find the Reports option and click Business Reports.

On the left, sellers can click on “Detail page sales and traffic by sub-product” .

This report will show sellers inamazonProduct data sold on the website, including total visits, page views, orders,productsales and conversion rates.

In reports generated here, conversion rates will be recorded as Unit Session Percentage.

As an Amazon seller, tracking these metrics and optimizing accordingly will ensure your product data is performing well.
2. What is the conversion rate on Amazon?
The average conversion rate of Shopify stores is about 1%-3%, and the average conversion rate on Amazon is about 10%, which is much higher than that of some independent stores.
This number depends on a variety of factors, such as price, reviews, shipping speed, and listing quality, among others. For example, a cost-effective, impulse-buying product may have a higher conversion rate than a more expensive product.
3. How to improve Amazon conversion rate?
• Optimize listing quality
The first step for Amazon sellers to increase conversion rates is undoubtedly to improve product listing quality, including product images and infographics , product videos , compelling titles, informative product selling points, A+ content , and positive reviews . Make sure to include relevant keywords throughout your listing.
– pictures and videos
Since consumers cannot touch the product itself, professional product images, infographics and product videos are very important.

– Title and selling point summary
Make full use of Amazon’s text description space, and at the same time ensure that the description contains relevant and highly searched keywords related to the product , which will help consumers find the corresponding product information when they search . Sellers can also use keyword search to discover keywords with high conversion rates .
Product descriptions help answer any questions consumers may have before purchasing a product , and should be kept short and to the point when writing descriptions .
– A+ product description
If the seller is registered with AmazonBrand Registry plan, you can add A+ product descriptions to brand listings. This allows sellers to add more photos, infographics, and text to product descriptions, which overall look more professional, informative, and easier to read than regular product descriptions.
– Consumer praise
Consumer praise helps potential consumers make purchase decisions about products, so it is also crucial for sellers to focus on improving the overall product review volume and ratings.
• Pricing
To maximize conversions, sellers need to have an appropriate pricing strategy for product quality, profitability, and competitive offers. And pricing is not a one-and-done thing—sellers need to constantly test different pricing strategies to find ideas that are more suitable for their products.
• Promotional discounts
Another way to increase conversions is to test different discounts, coupons or promotions. This strategy can also be aligned with the seller’s overall pricing strategy.
For example, if a product normally sells for $29.95 and you want to test the effects of a sale price, you can increase the market price in Seller Central to show the discount on the detail page.

Another way to test discounts is to add coupons to your listings. For example, when consumers receive a coupon, they can get a 5% or 10% discount, and the discount will be displayed in the product listing and search results in the form of an orange label.

Go to the “Advertising” option in Seller Central to see what types of coupons and promotions are available to consumers.

• Using Fulfillment by Amazon
Shoppers on Amazon have grown accustomed to receiving products quickly, in two days or less. By using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), and if your competitors deliver slower, your conversion rate will also increase in disguise.
With Fulfillment by Amazon, sellers send products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and Amazon handles the picking, packing, and shipping of orders—plus, Amazon handles all customer service.
• Add variants
If the seller has already created a successfulExplosive styleproduct, consider adding variations to this existing product to increase conversions. Some consumers may prefer different colors, sizes, scents or designs, etc. of the products that the seller is currently offering.
The more choices sellers provide consumers, the higher the final conversion rate is likely to be.
Cover image source / Tu Chong Creative
Image source in the text/Amazon screenshot
Compilation / Hugo cross-border Liu Zhiwei
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