The past 10 years have seen a lot of innovations in  Ecommerce and logistics.
Things are changing so fast that if you are not able to adjust to the fluctuating conditions, you will be simply thrown out from the Ecommerce world.
Yes, It’s time for innovations in warehousing and shipping!
Introducing Fulfillmen, an advanced cloud-based warehouse management system.
It’s often very hard for online business owners to make adjustments in their tight busy schedules for investing time to ship their orders.
Fulfillmen's Services
Stock receipt & storage.​
Quality assurance & inspection.
Custom packing & labeling.
Door to door shipments.​
Our complete fulfillmen package includes:
a. Online price calculator
b. Real-time stock & payment alerts.
c. Free Email notifications to customers.
d. Advanced API integration
e. Lowest express & postal rates
f. 24/7 online WMS
Our expertise in import custom policies and multi-country shipping cultures will help you with the documentation, import guidance, and duty calculations.