When it comes time to choose reliable supplier, many business owners have trouble doing so. Good manufacturers aren’t always easy to find, whether you want to get products from overseas or work with a producer in your own country.
In this post, we’ll tell you where to find reliable supplier and how to talk to them about making a product for your online store.
How to find reliable suppliers

To successfully launch your product and meet consumer demand, you need to find the right company to make it. After all, the quality, cost, packaging, and shipping of your product are all set by the manufacturer. To find the reliable supplier and manufacturers for your business, follow the steps below.
Look into the market.
A lot of companies that make things today have their profiles and catalogs on the Internet. You can reach them in a number of ways, including the following:
Alibaba is the best place to talk to Chinese manufacturers. Just type in the name or category of your product and look through the list of wholesalers and manufacturers. Even though most retailers use Alibaba to find products that are already on the market, you can also use it to find vendors for custom manufacturing. Be wary of trading companies that say they can handle the production because they are just middlemen and won’t be able to make your goods.
Searching Google is another good way to find companies that make products. However, you’ll need to look beyond the first few pages of Google search results. Because many suppliers aren’t up to date on the latest internet and SEO trends, their websites are likely to be out of date and have little information.
Plus, you’ll want to use a variety of search terms when looking for manufacturers. For example, you can add more options by using words like “distributor,” “wholesale,” and “wholesaler.” Also, getting to know Google’s search shortcuts may help you improve the quality of your searches and, in turn, the results you get.
Referrals can be a powerful source of leads for product manufacturing. Ask friends and people you know from work if they know of any good resources in the field you want to go into. Find people who have been in business before and ask if they are willing to share their contacts.
You can also join Facebook groups and other online communities where online retailers discuss business. Check to see if anyone has a great review of a company. When you get a recommendation, it means that the manufacturer probably has a good setup and could meet your production needs.
Reach out and find out more.
Once you’ve shortlisted a few manufacturers, you’ll want to dig a little deeper before choosing a supply partner for your business. Reach out and talk to people to find answers to the following:
How many ways can they be used? Is your supplier willing to take custom orders in different sizes? Do they have the tools and know-how to make a lot of your products? Having a flexible manufacturing partner is important if you want to make money from changes in product demand.
How long do they take to make? It’s important to get things to customers quickly if you want them to be happy. If your supply partner takes a long time to make and ship products, your customers may get upset and ask for a refund. To keep your customers happy, work with manufacturers who can ship your products in a few weeks.
How much does it cost? When choosing reliable supplier, there are many costs to think about, such as the cost of production and shipping. This price may go down if you buy more than one item at the same time. You’ll also need to think about the minimum order quantities and how many items you’ll need to buy each time. These will directly affect your decision.
Are there any extra costs? Some companies will charge “set-up” fees to keep the equipment that makes your goods running. Find out if the manufacturer you want to buy from charges any of these kinds of fees.
What are their standards? When looking for a business partner, it’s important to think about how sustainable, eco-friendly, and honest they are. If you want your business to be seen as ethical, the people you work with need to have the same values as you. Check how your company affects the environment and how they treat their employees.
What do their rules say? Different manufacturers will have rules about how they work with their partners that are unique to them. Some will have policies that let you return products for free if you find a problem with them. Others will have rules about how much shipping and duties will cost.
Can they be the only ones? Most manufacturers work with more than one brand at the same time, but some also offer some level of exclusivity. For example, if your product requires tooling (you buy a tool for them to use to make your product), they’ll probably agree to use it only for your production. You can also ask about private labeling. This is when a manufacturer puts the retailer’s brand on the label instead of their own.
Get your point across.
When you talk to your manufacturer about the services and support they can provide, you must make sure they fully understand what you want and what you need from them. Some manufacturers have a product development strategy that lets them help you with things like 3D modeling and prototyping products, which can be great for new businesses.
Order samples
Don’t order everything at once. Order a sample first to see how good the final product will be. Sign and date the sample when you are happy with it.
You can also keep one or two samples to use as control samples. These are forensic samples that are used to make sure that the design specifications are accurate and consistent.
Control samples also make it easier to explain to a company why you don’t like one of their products if they send it to you in the future. You’ll be able to compare the item to the control sample to show where the manufacturer went off from the standard set.
Between ordering a sample and agreeing to full production, you should talk about payment terms and minimum order quantities.
Pay attention to your needs and the business of the manufacturer when you’re negotiating. The goal shouldn’t be to take advantage of your reliable supplier but to find a way for both of you to make money.
Place your order
Now it’s finally time to put in your order. But before you click “Buy” or sign a contract, make sure every product meets your standards by doing a full quality control check. Once you’re sure you’ve found the right partner, send your order to get the production process started.