One way to choose is to use selection software. Another way is to use tables and lists.
Sellers can use some of the product selection software on the market to look at what’s been selling well or what’s available based on how often certain keywords have been searched for or how popular they are. Using the product selection software to set filter conditions like site, category, monthly sales, customer unit price, product size, etc., you can get ideas from the Amazon products that meet your needs. Even data about searches, purchases, clicks, and trends can help you find the right product.

The Market Data analysis tool shows the most popular Selection Software.
There are Jungle Scout, Seller Wizard, Keepa, Google Trends, and many more. Tool for choosing between countries at home and abroad There are a lot of them, and you should use as many as you can. The goal of each selection tool is different, so you can get a full picture of the products and data.
You can also look at some lists for ideas. In addition to looking at the sales rankings, sellers can go to New Hot Release and Best Seller in other lists and see what popular or interesting categories or nodes are on these lists (or even the lists of other sites), then filter and check at the target site. Learn about the product trends on Amazon and pay attention to what sells well. Small sellers don’t have to look every day, so it’s easy to lose track of things.
Also, sellers can make a data selection table on their own to score products in multiple ways, such as market capacity, percentage of new products, number of brands, percentage of Amazon-owned businesses, and market share in the range of reviews, and then give a complete result. score. Through product ratings, it’s easy for new sellers to find out how much competition there is in the product categories they usually focus on and which products are on the rise.